The Training
iCycle is a one-stop shop for cycle training and was developed by the Road Safety Units of Argyll and Bute Council and North Ayrshire Council in 2013. Here trainers and teachers will find all the resources they need for cycle training - everything is accessible, relevant and engaging and is linked to the Curriculum for Excellence. Watch the video below for a taster of our film clips which give trainers ideas and tips on how to run each of the practical sessions.
If you are interested in seeing more contact or If you are already a member, please log in here.
Our Amazing Workbooks!
We asked our trainers, teachers and children what they thought made a good workbook. They were happy to tell us! Our 20 page iCycle Workbook has been tailored to the age group targeted and, as requested by the pupils, is colourful and bright, with a mixture of real people and cartoons. It has a fun approach to learning and uses various puzzle techniques to test knowledge and skills.

Our Trainer’s Manual is a 16 page, A4 guide, which introduces the iCycle ‘System’, control exercises and all of the core manoeuvres to our Trainers. This will be given out at an iCycle Training Day but is also available online. The Manual also contains a detailed Bicycle Checklist and has a suggested lesson plan to make the best use of the time available. There are hints and tips on supervision ratios, discipline and moving from the playground to the main road. Assessment Guidelines are included giving information on how to carry out the final assessment, the criteria for each manoeuvre and benchmarks for Grading.
The Parent’s Newsletter is a 4 page booklet which outlines what children will learn from the iCycle course; what they need to participate and how parents can help with practical and theory homework. There is advice on what to wear and a detailed bicycle checklist which the parent and child can work through together. This is normally sent out by the school before the children start their cycle training.
Our workbooks can be downloaded in 'Classroom Resources' in our 'Members Area'.